What are the Best Cricket Bat brands in India

source: https://kdsport.com.au/images/Cricket%20Bat%20Damage%20and%20Repairs%20Australia.jpg

Cricket has immensely grown in popularity in the past decade, and this has led to an increase in the number of brands that manufacture them. A cricket bat is like a companion, and for this companion to be at your side for long, it is better if it from a reputed brand.

Older brands are more reliable due to the amount of sheer experience they have when it comes to delivering, though newer brands these days want to get competitive in the market, leading to an overall increase in standards of a product.

Since there is a new trend of supporting local businesses, here, we have compiled a few reliable bat brands:

  1. Sareen Sports Industries (SS)
source: https://storage.sg.content-cdn.io/cdn-cgi/image/%7Bwidth%7D,%7Bheight%7D,quality=75,format=auto,fit=cover,g=top/in-resources/b368029c-a4dd-448a-a888-58348cb1b144/Images/ProductImages/Source/SSEWTNSLED.jpg

Established in 1969 by N.K. Sareen, the brand entered the competition in 1976, it is one of the best cricket equipment manufacturers in India, producing all sorts of goods from Shoes, Pads, gloves and helmets, all of which live up to the high quality standards of the market.

The brand makes both, Kashmir and English Willow bats, popular models include, SS professional, SS TON SS Gladiators and many more. These bats are exported everywhere from Australia to England as well as to Bangladesh to Sri-Lanka.

They changed the face of the bat-making industry with thicker edges and the usage of the famous 12-piece Sarawak cane.

Lance Klusner, Virender Sehwag and many more big names have sworn by the brand in the past, it is indeed one of the, if noth the best Cricket Equipment manufacturers in India.

2) Sanspareils Greenlands (SG)

source: https://ethlits.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/800x/999c6c65e255d7531240810e30f61e61/s/g/sg_tripple_crown_xtreme_english_willow_cricket_bat_size_sh_ethlits.com_1_.jpg

Sanspareils Greenlands is one of the oldest bat manufacturing companies in India. The company was established by 2 brothers- Dwarkanath and Kendarnath in 1931 as Sanspareils Co. The name was later changed to Greenlands to continue export during the tough times of the world war II.

After the war the company was named to Sanspareils Greenalands. The specialty of the company is that their budget range is very high, meaning that they can cater to international Cricketers to beginners.

Over the years, the brand has established trust among its customers, and their wide range of products mean that they can support individuals that are form weaker financial backgrounds as well.

The comapny has had big names like Cheteshwar Pujara, Rahul Dravid and Suresh Raina using them, their durability is unmatched.

3) MRF sports

source: https://www.prodirectcricket.com/productimages/Main/V3_1_Main_0227849.jpg?imwidth=768

There is a common misconception that MRF only sponsors bats, the brand’s association with Cricket goes back to the 1980s, they have had big endorsemants in the past, with players like Sachin Tendulkar, AB De Villiers, Virat Kohli and many more.

Their venture of MRF sports goods is available in 350 stores across the country, their USP is that their bat models are thoroughly researched for effective timing and performance and they are certainly one of the best in the business.

4) BD Mahajan & Sons (BDM)

source: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.CQ3M02CkGjP1CVNqqJGPsgHaHa&pid=Api&P=0&w=300&h=300

BD Mahajan & Sons is one of the oldest companies in the market, adapting to new bat technology and adjusting their methods of manufacturing according to the evolution of the game.

Located in Meerut, the company exports the equipment through an excellent distribution network to South Africa, the UK and Australia. They invented the bow-shaped bats and changed the methodologies of manufacturing around the globe.

Their experience helps them with effective weight distribution and they are among the top manufacturers in India.

5) Beat all Sports (BAS)

source: https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.0DAvsYzLf-BnlUx1j7gCcwHaHa&pid=Api&P=0&w=300&h=300

Beat All Sports was established by the Kohli brothers, all the way back in 1950, they have a manufacturing unit in Jalandhar and they have not looked back once.

Their products are of award winning quality, and it is one of the most under-rated cricket equipment manufacturers in India. Their bats have beautiful straight grains and excellent weight distribution, it is indeed a spectacular company.

Above are the five best bat brands, do let us know in the comments down below if there is a brand that you think deserves more recognition.

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